About this mod
FACE is a modders resource in addition to giving you a huge selection in character generation. Hair & eyes galore. Eyelashes on/off FACE 3 Beta 2 Released
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
FACE is still in development, just not very active at the moment. Dwindling interest and other circumstances has put the project on ice, but I'll take it up again soon to ensure full compatibility with the supported plugins, and possibly add more assets and make a more complete npc replacer.
- Orf
FACE3 beta 2 released.
This is a fully working FACE archive including an NPC replacer and a few compatibility patches.
Be warned it is a very large file!
Please note that FACE3 is not backwards compatible, so NO CPs for FACE2 will work with FACE3.
However, the changes set in FACE3 will be changes set in stone for future "backward" compatibility. If you wish to test it out and give some feedback, please download the beta and post any comments in the discussion tab so I can fix any issues.
Changes in FACE3:
- Riven's eyescapes included
- Eyes categorized and sorted
- Eyelashes included as default
- Bald "hair" style
- Bethesda default textures included as choice.
Possible changes for release:
- Utilizing custom eye meshes and UV maps for eyes
Then a request.. if there's someone out there with experience with 3d modeling and/or the conformulator, I'd like some help in making hair fit hats, or even make new models for headwear. i.e. long hair flowing from a helmet. I'm completely blank in that field myself. If you feel up to the task, please PM me.
Additionally, having custom hair fit children would be grand.
Note on compatibility patches:
They are provided as is and I take no responsibility for loss of savegames etc.
They shouldn't cause any problems, but I have not had the chance to test any of them properly.
Use them at your own risk.
---) What's this? (---------------------------------
FACE2 is a foundation for modders that wish to play around with facegen.
With the handy FACE2.bsa you have access to ALL hairs, eyes and eyelashes on the FO3Nexus, except for Riven's Eyescapes - which needs to be downloaded separately.
FACE opens the possibilities to use ANY hair and eyes release on FO3Nexus, in addition to enabling eyelashes. These are for the time being not modifiable from the character creation.
FACE also includes the work of several modders for the NPC replacer.
As of this release, there are multiple "replacement" textures for eyes, meaning each overwrites the other, not really giving you the choice to use all of them. Nor are all hair and eye packs compatible with each other. FACE changes that by collecting all of them and making them work.
The directory structure of the included assets has been changed to retain compatibilty with beauty mods NOT using FACE as a base.
Like this:
data\meshes\characters\FACE\\hair\Saram(previously "data\meshes\characters\saram")
[]- - - oOo - - -[]
I've tried to place the files under name of the pack that was released, and furthermore changed the names of many files to reflect their author.
That includes nif, tri, egm and dds files
It's a fine balance as some resources are simply ported, while others have been ported and tweaked for Fallout 3, and yet again, some has been made from scratch. However, credit is due to everyone involved in the process.
I've also done further tweaks to the different resources, such as assuring female and male eyes differ in intensity or shading(yoshikinakota's eyes). What I haven't done is to adjust meshes to make hats fit better with certain hairs or tweaked graphics. This is better left to others who knows what they're doing..
Enough blather. On to the plugins.
---) Files and installation (---------------------------------
FACE2.bsa- Main resource file containing meshes and textures
While some of these resources have been packed with the blessing of the author, I still have to locate a few and ask their permission.
See notes below on utilising a BSA file with Fallout versions 1.0.+
Note that I have made quite a few changes, and none of these files will work with the original resource hairpacks without adjustments.
As Riven's Eyescapes is a huge undertaking in itself, and also a work in progress, you will have to download this separately. Everything else should be covered. I have not changed the directory structure, nor any names. That means, until these files have been refitted for FACE, any mods using Riven's eyes may not cooperate in a good manner with FACE.
Download this IF you want Riven's Eyescapes
Riven1978Riven's Eyescapes 2.0 (update packs 1-6)
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5304
FACE2.esm- FACE core file.
Any and all facegen customization around base races has been removed.
If the faces look like poo, don't blame me. It's Bethesda facial structures. Eyes and Hair may differ.
Place these files somewhere around the top following the esm files.
Pick your prefered set of files. With or without eyelashes, with or without optional eyes, in the order noted in the file names.
FACE2 -1- [Eyelashes] Basic.esp- Basic plugin for eyelashes
FACE2 -1- [Eyelashes] Riven's Eyescapes.esp
FACE2 -1- [NO Eyelashes] Riven's Eyescapes.esp
FACE2 -2- NO Naruto Eyes.esp- Use if you don't want Naruto Eyes
FACE2 -3- NPCS.esp- NPC replacer.
"FACE -3- NPCS.esp" is a collection of the changes done by different authors, me included, to reflect the variety available.
If you don't like how they look, then don't use it or simply change the npcs yourself. It is provided as a BONUS. FACE is not a beauty pack.
Compatibility Patches (CP)
CPs can be found in a separate download. Refer to the readme included.
If other plugins are needed just leave a comment or PM me.
Otherwise, use
FO3Edit - by ElminsterAU
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637
and make yourself a merged patch or compatibility plugin.
Any and all help in making plugins will be appreciated as I'm only one, and there are still plenty of mods I haven't tested.
---) What's included? (---------------------------------
To make it short..
~71 Custom Hairs
~123 Eyes (Riven's Eyescapes comes in addition to these)
~All of throttlekitty's eyelashes
Also included are several fixes to meshes and textures.
The long description..
Apart from what's already done in the previous hair and beauty packs by other authors I have integrated most hair and eye packs.
This includes, to my knowledge, all hairs out in the FO3Nexus into the character generation. Some default characters now differs from the vanilla setup, and the 4 playable races can use any eyes or hairs available.
All children have access to all eyes, so you will keep the eyes you chose throughout the first stages of the game.
All old people can use all custom hair and all eyes, if nothing but to preserve their dignity. Call them wigs if you will..
Ghouls and Raiders can use all eyes and custom hair. So if you have a plugin to play as one, the eyes and hair could be available assuming there's compatibility with FACE.
FACE also includes minor fixes that are related to race, face, hair and eyes. These are bugs in Fallout3.esm and are for the most part also covered in UF3P or FakePatch.
---) Included in the BSA and/or ESM/ESP files (---------------------------------
A bunch of NPC's - excluding Talon Company and the Regulators - have been given a facelift, or change in hair and eyes. Most raiders look rather different than before, and the brotherhood and enclave has undergone some changes as well. The NPC addon is of course optional.
The NPC collection is based on beauty packs, hair packs, and my efforts in integrating Riven's eyes into those. I take no credit further than putting it together and tweaking it somewhat since it's based on the work of the following:
------------------------------------------------------( permission not sought yet )
~ Fallen Hair 1-6
~ Kakashisensei's Mod Soya Hair 01, Short layered hair
~ Soya Hair 02
~ Alternate textures. (org textures non colorable)
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6982
------------------------------------------------------( permission pending )
~ Real Eyes v2c HQ
~ Darknss RealEyes v2b, Extra Eyes
~ Darknss RealEyes v2cHQ plus ExtraColours
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=276
------------------------------------------------------( permission through credits )
~ eyes addon v1.1 - (Original textures by Capucine)
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=298
~ Hair Pack v2.1
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1146
~ Hair Pack v2.1 (Meshes and/or Texures by Ren, idkrrr)
- (English) Names and Fixes (Zacam1369)
~ Hair Pack v2.1 fix for Male Hairs
------------------------------------------------------( permission through credits )
~ Sarem/Saram Hair (Oblivion Corean hairs by idkrrr)
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5462
~ All fixes included.
------------------------------------------------------( permission granted )
~Saram 12 Flicker Fix by laffindude
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6391
Joseph Grey
------------------------------------------------------( permission through credits )
~ Kozaburo Hair - (Original meshes and textures by Kozaburo)
- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=749
------------------------------------------------------( permission granted )
- tkHairPack (v 0..shortslicked hair)
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6694
Antonius Maximus
------------------------------------------------------( permission granted )
- Sparkling Eyes v1.2 (Sparkling Eyes Full)
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6443"
Tony the Wookie ** Read special note.
------------------------------------------------------( permission granted )
- A Good Hair Day -WIP- (some aspects)
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5718"
** As this is a work in progress based on only 3 mods, I took the liberty of
** including some of these changes into my own compilation.
** It is not my intention to intrude upon this work in any way.
** Since FACE in any regards would conflict with this one
** I chose instead to include some of his work. So a few of the changed faces are
** made by Tony the Wookie. Great work! Please keep it up :)
------------------------------------------------------( permission granted )
- Naruto Eyes - Sharingans v1
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4026
Copasetic - (Full support not yet included as it contains meshes)
------------------------------------------------------( permission pending )
- Real Detailed Eyes v1
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3846
------------------------------------------------------( permission granted )
- Detailed Eyes v1.1
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=306
------------------------------------------------------( permission through credits )
- Some New Eyes
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5437
Ataribaby - derivatives from Darknss eyes
------------------------------------------------------( permission assumed )
- Eyes without Cataracts
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1852
I also recommend
necKros - Hair Pack Retexture
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4607
Dimonized - Female Body V3
~ http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4280
I've used the alternate head texture in my images.
Update sep 28:
The FACE NPC Replacer has undergone an overhaul.
Along with it, a whole new set of patches customized for specific setups. Only ONE of these patches will be needed, and they are separate downloads.
The Project Beauty compatibility has been removed. You may find this on the PB download site at a later time.
FACE2.1 update:
Naruto Kyuubi and Rinnegan by Lrrpdude added. Finally..
Point Lookout tribals can now have eyelashes and everything else.
MILF cleaned of unecessary junk files and converted for FACE2.1 - I will not bother with that mod again, even if it should prove bugged. Ever!