Fallout 3

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About this mod

As you were growing up in the comfort of the vault you were always told about the harsh time that were on the outside world. That people were corrupt and fulled by greed and power. It was a dog eat dog world to survive. Miles upon miles of wasteland ready to attack you from behind and take you for everything you have leaving you to either the super

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As you were growing up in the comfort of the vault you were always told about the harsh times that were on the outside world. That people were corrupt and fueled by greed and power. It was a dog eat dog world to survive. Miles upon miles of wasteland ready to attack you from behind and take everything you have and leave you to the super mutants and slavers. The sky's were filled with hate and death, the ground soaked in blood, no one even noticed it anymore. Rainless years has killed all living plant life, leaving the once beautiful city of Washington DC a fowl and dangerous desert.


I have got back to modding for fallout. Work seems to always bog me down at times. I am going to try and clear somethings up right here and right now.

One, I no longer have any intention of trying to get this to work with Fellout. My reasons for that is simple, Fellout and I have two completely different goals in mind for what Fallout should look like. The Fellout team is trying to go for a Sahara Desert in modern times. I got this from there fallout3nexus page, it even states it "Fellout gives a harshly lit world more reminiscent of the Sahara Desert". Don't get me wrong, Fellout is an amazing mod, its that my mod is not aimed for a Sahara Desert fell, its aimed to make the the world fell it is holding on by a few strands of rope, now how am I going to do that with bright blue (happy sky's). I do how ever recommend using Fellout for its indoor lighting changes though.

Two, I do plan on dimming how dark the world it is. I am going to keep the dark sky, just touch it up so its a tad brighter. I do agree with some of you that it is two dark.

Three, This is just a tip for those out there who want to get Fellout and Apocalyptic - A Harsher Wasteland to work together. Dont use the esp. Its that simple. all the esp does is changes they sky and force the weather to stay the same. If you disable the esp and only use the textures, you have will have Fellout and Apocalyptic - A Harsher Wasteland working together.

Four, I have been working on the weather module alot this past week, so if you take the time to scroll down and view it, you can see the total progress of it. I will also show the progress of the individual weathers. They are currently pretty limited. There only four different types, five including the Enhanced weather addon.

Five, I do still plan on making a Enhanced wither version of this mod, but not until I have got the basic weather module to work as I want it to.

Six and lastly, I would love an extra help anyone from the community could offer. I am only one person that works a full time job, 7am to 4pm Monday - Friday, Run my own business, and am planning on attending college this fall. Time really isnt on my side. So if you have any skills with the follow please either leave a comment, PM here or the offical boards, or send me message at [email protected].

The purpose of this mod is to give fallout a more, well Apocalyptic look and fill. It currently does not change how the NPCs and creatures act or anything else but the way Fallout 3 looks. This is just a graphical change for the time being. Apocalyptic changes the look and feel of Fallout by changing the textures of the ground to a desert theme. It also uses a more infernal sky. You can see what the beta textures look like in the images tab.

23:33, 2 March 2010 - Upload smaller textures sizes that I made in the first release this should help with people who were experiencing lagging well using my mod. My mod does use a texture size of 1024x1024 which is a reasonable size to me, If I get request to make a smaller size I will, but it wont be highly supported.
18:31, 2 March 2010 - I have recently found out that the rock texture is about 4096 x 4096 thats very high resolution. I have updated this texture and will upload it later today. thank you for your patience.
16:21, 28 February 2010 - Gamma LOD has been uploaded
15:53, 28 February 2010 - Gamma has been uploaded, and the Lod textures should be up on the server within a hour.

What's Coming in [Delta]
The Delta Release will have a Alpha version of the weather plug-in which is going to control the weather to go along with the default system weather and a version for users with the Enhanced Weather Plug-in.
Planned Weather Types
Clear Sky - No clouds just the sun beating down on you.
Small Sand Storms - Can still see pretty clearly, just not completely
Large Sand Storms - Can Barely see anything in-front of you.
Day Sky - What it looks like now.

Optional ESP Will Include
Harsher Wasteland - Which will check for the current weather effect the players Skills.
Enhanced Weather - Will be a patch to allow rain into the Wasteland Desert. The chance is going to be small since it isn't supposed to rain that often in a desert.

I am taking any suggestions for other types of weather to be added.

And yes I know that the mod will be in Delta and the weather in Alpha I am doing this because the weather is a separate ESP all together.

How to Install
Back up your current landscape folder loacted within the "textures" folder.
ex: Fallout 3 Directory\Data\Textures\landscape
If you do not have a landscape folder then dont worry that just means you are using default Fallout 3 landscape textures.

If you do not use Fellout then check the esp for Apocalyptic - A Harsher Wasteland and then your off.

If you do use Fellout then and want my sky but Fellout lighting then make sure that Fellout loads directly below my esp.

If you want to use Fellout complete fell but want my landscape textures then just delete my esp. and you get the textures but will miss out on my sky.

How to uninstall
Delete the landscape folder and my Apocalyptic - A Harsher Wasteland esp(if you havent already)

If you had to back up your landscape folder, just return it to where it was before and you well be set.

If you uninstall my mod for other reason then it then "you simply didn't like it", please let me know so I can try to fix or change this problem for users who may download this in the future.

Fallout 3 v 1.7 - is the only tested version, should work with previous versions as well.
No longer requires The Pitt DLC Expansion as of Gamma.

Recommended Settings
Game Difficulty - Very High (Makes the game seem like harsher place)

Mods in Question
Fellout - All plans to support Fellout have been dropped, I no longer have any intentions of supporting Fellout. Fellouts idea of what Fallout should look like mine are going in the complete opsite direction on one another. I am sorry for any one who was hoping for a patch to make these two work together. I do have a tip if you would like to use them together though, its about as completable as I plan on making them. If you would like to use Fellout and Apocalyptic - A Harsher Wasteland together. Dont use the esp. Its that simple. all the esp does is changes they sky and force the weather to stay the same. If you disable the esp and only use the textures, you have will have Fellout and Apocalyptic - A Harsher Wasteland working together.

Enhanced Weather - Currently not supported. I plan on support for this in RC 1.

Todo List
Add more textures, Gamma doesn't not change all texture, just most.
Generate Remaining LODs

State: Beta
Textures - 80% (This is to the best of my knowledge, I haven't been over the entire wasteland to verify.)

State: Gamma
Textures - 90% (To the best of my knowledge, This means, 90% of the textures are in a working state it does not mean that they are in there final state.)
LOD - Wasteland Generate (Not sure what percent to give because the wasteland is a huge part of fallout)
DLC Dependent Removed, Now only requires Fallout 3

Planned Features
Finish the rest of the textures.
Add support for Enhanced Weather.

Undecided Features

This mod will only conflict with mods that alter the landscape textures or mods that alter the weather.

Known Issues or Bugs
None that I am currently aware, if you find any please report them to me as soon as possible.

02/28/2010, Gamma Release
-LOD files
-Shine-less Textures
-Removed The Pitt DLC Dependency

02/28/2010, Beta Release
-Beta Textures

You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as Mouse0270
You can find me on Nexus sites as Mouse0270

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Fallout 3.
Thanks to Yossarian22 for creating his Desert Theme Mod.
Thanks to J3X for his Infernal Sky Mod.

Desert Theme Mod - http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10815
Infernal Sky Mod - http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=697

You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of
this mod. If I do not respond within 2 weeks, feel free to do whatever you
like with this mod, as long as Yossarian22, J3X, and Myself are credited.