Fallout 3
Olympus Cubical News - 100 Percent of Officers Are Ninnies Says Survey

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In a survey conducted by the League of Disgruntled Enlisted Personnel, 100 percent of those surveyed considered their officers to be a bunch of mouth-breathing morons.
When asked by the Olympus Cubical, Sergeant First Class Alex Theodoracopulus, vice president of the league, said, "There's an old saying from the pre-War military: 'You can't spell lost without LT' and last week, that's exactly what our freshly minted Lt did while patrolling for raiders near Camp Manchester. He insisted our route back was west and next thing you know, we ended up making a left turn at Albuquerque and found ourselves knee deep in the Gulf of California."
Similar stories of officer ineptitude abound throughout the enlisted ranks. It appears not even the Commander is immune to such criticism, citing all the ridiculously obvious traps the Commander has walked into. The Commander's only response was, "Next time, somebody else save you from the Super Mutants and give you a nice big spaceship."
However, when told of the Commander's response, Theodoracopulus replied, "Exactly my point! The only ones in that bunker were officers. All the smart people were somewhere else."
As of this writing, there has been no other response from the Starship Council, though Theodoracopulus was later found scrubbing toilets.
Don't forget to like the Olympus Circular, the parent and absolutely inferior counterpart to the TSC's finest news source, the Olympus Cubical.

1 comment

  1. In every military there is something universal,officers are dumb