Fallout 3
The Phoenix Imperative Cast Bio

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Although it has not yet been mentioned by name, the Black Host is the mysterious organization to which Maeva belongs, along with her superior, Adam, and his superior, Lady Drusilla.

Maeva: All we know of the red-headed woman called Maeva is she is black hearted, mercenary and manipulative. Killing seems to be her business, and it is one she thoroughly enjoys. Those she employes are just a means to an end, tools that she can and will cast aside as soon as they are no longer useful.

Not much seems to frighten Maeva. She is more than willing to go toe-to-toe with a Supermutant with nothing more than a combat knife, or even her bare hands if necessary, but she would prefer to do the job from a distance with a hail of lead, or a grenade or four. There is one thing we have learned that frightens Maeva more than anything in the Wasteland: The Elders of the Black Host, such as Lady Drusilla.

Adam: We currently know less about Adam than we do Maeva. We know that he holds a superior rank to Maeva in the organization, and like Maeva, not much, if anything scares him, except the Elders.

Lady Drusilla: What is it about this tiny woman that terrifies the likes of people such as Adam and Maeva? You would not know just from looking at her, as she is a small, waif-like woman. It does not take long in her presence though, to realize that this almost child-like creature seems to ooze power, confidence and control. There is something not right about her pale skin, fiery eyes, and elongated canines. She is a predator, plain and simple, a being at the top of the food chain. It is not what you can see about her that is most frightening about her...it is what you can't see.

She is an Elder in an organization that respects only power, and she has more than earned the right to hold the rank she does.


  1. Druuler
    • premium
    • 147 kudos


    Ah, what would a good story be without suitably evil villain for the heroes to fight.

    An interesting mix they are, can't wait to see them in action


    PS. the location for this pic is the basement of the Dunwich Building, the creepiest place in FO3 IMO.

    A good story without villains? That's a documentary, is it not? And yes, the Dunwich Building is bloody creepy. To make it worse, I could have sworn I saw a ghoul briefly look like a pre-war person while I was clearing the place out for the screen shot <img class=">

    Thanks <img class=">

    Well posed. Clean lines, GREAT location. But, reading the Bios. and seeing the location, I am sorry to say that All I can now think about is that its outtakes form Michael Jackson's Thriller Music Video! Poses and all!

    Thanks Bro...I will now always think of that when I look at this image <img class=">

    Ah, saved the best for the last eh?

    Poor, poor Maeva. Why do I get the feeling she doesn't really knows whom she serves. She might consider others as tools, but she's obviously just a tool herself too.

    Your description of Lady Drusilla was really awesome btw.

    More often than not, the members of The Black Host only have contact with their superiors, up to the rank of Elder, and no further, but once in a while, they are summoned to see their Mother, and that instills a level of horror and dread that even the Elders cannot replicate. Maeva understands her place in the organization, and generally believes that she ultimately serves her Mother in all things. The Elders, though, know better...

    Thanks again BR <img class=">
  2. BlackRampage
    • premium
    • 142 kudos
    Ah, saved the best for the last eh?

    Poor, poor Maeva. Why do I get the feeling she doesn't really knows whom she serves. She might consider others as tools, but she's obviously just a tool herself too.

    Your description of Lady Drusilla was really awesome btw.
  3. Friendlygiant106
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Well posed. Clean lines, GREAT location. But, reading the Bios. and seeing the location, I am sorry to say that All I can now think about is that its outtakes form Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Music Video! Poses and all!
  4. deshaz
    • premium
    • 85 kudos

    Ah, what would a good story be without suitably evil villain for the heroes to fight.

    An interesting mix they are, can't wait to see them in action


    PS. the location for this pic is the basement of the Dunwich Building, the creepiest place in FO3 IMO.
  5. Druuler
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    True that, my dear, for the Elders of the Black Host do not take kindly to poseurs. That said, what Drusilla and her fellow Elders would do is nothing compared to the tortures and terrors that the one they call Mother can conceive of *<img class=">

    * Spoilers Dear... - River Song
  6. Ithildin
    • premium
    • 69 kudos
    Now where would the fun be if not for villains? > No doubt Drusilla would parboil sparkly-idiot-creatures that try to pass for vampires in certain films.
  7. Druuler
    • premium
    • 147 kudos
    Lol! I am glad she has your attention <img class="> Thanks!

    By the way, does anyone recognize where this shot was taken? Just curious...
  8. Odile
    • supporter
    • 62 kudos
    I'm fangirling over Lady Drusilla not even gonna front